

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”⁣⁣
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭1:7‬ ‭NLT‬‬⁣⁣
I have an acronym for FEAR:⁣⁣
False ⁣⁣
Emotions ⁣⁣
Appearing ⁣⁣
Real ⁣⁣
I have lived in fear and know first hand how it can be debilitating or how it can simply be a fleeting thought.⁣⁣
Fear comes in many forms: fear of public speaking, fear of other people’s opinions, fear of not being accepted, fear of failure, fear of pain...the list can go on and on. ⁣⁣
I remember when my daughter Camille was born, I couldn’t let her out of my sight; I was the helicopter mom. My thoughts of fear overpowered my reality but my emotions couldn’t tell the difference. I had a constant feeling of fear that something bad was going to happen to her. My actions backed up the fear, until I got so consumed with what I was thinking that I finally turned to prayer. I couldn’t live like that, and I sure couldn’t let Camille live my fear. I cried out to God for help and He answered my hearts cry. This scripture became a revelation to me, not overnight, but it was a process and a progress toward knowing God. ⁣⁣
Self-discipline in my thoughts was the key to the attacks of fear. My thoughts where what fueled the fear. Fear wants to isolate you from the love of God. God gives us power, love and self discipline, in other translations it says a sound mind. Fear is a fiery dart, recognize the attack before you react in fear. It’s been said that there are 365 times that “do not fear” appears in the Bible...wouldn’t that be just like God to remind us everyday. I’m reminding us today to recognize fear and recognize truth. God’s truth will give you power to overcome!! ⁣⁣
I love y’all Dianna ⁣⁣

Tim Akers