Forgive the Past


“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah‬ ‭43:18-19‬ ‭

Sometimes we can’t grab onto the new thing because a part of us is holding onto the past. It’s really hard to forget the past...we all have lingering memories. God has taught me that in order to forget the past, I must forgive the past. Forgive your past; past hurts, mistakes, choices, beliefs, trauma’s, disappointments. Whatever is the past, forgive in order to forget. When you forgive, as God has forgiven each of us, forgetting becomes a reality. Forgiveness allows us to grab hold of the new thing because we are not over processing or dwelling on the past. We can’t live in the past and expect a new future! ⁣

God says, “do you not perceive it?” Do we see it, do we see the new thing? This takes a shift in our focus. What is your focus? ⁣

To perceive is to look and to acknowledge what God is doing in the now. God is doing a new thing in your life, do you see it? ⁣

I pray that we come into agreement with God and forget the past and perceive the new thing!! He is making a way in our wilderness and making streams of living in water in the wasteland of our past.⁣

I love y’all, ⁣
Dianna ⁣

Tim Akers