Five stones and a sling


Most of us have heard the story of David and Goliath (found in 1 Samuel in the Bible). It’s become a popular metaphor for the little guy defeating something or someone giant, however, there is much more to the story...⁣

Recently, I noticed something so powerful that I have always read right past. King Saul agreed that David, a shepherd boy, could go up against the giant. Then, in chapter 17:38-40 something so small becomes so significant in the story. King Saul dresses David in his own battle clothes: a tunic, a coat of armor, a bronze helmet and a sword. David couldn’t even walk around in the “appropriate” battle garb because of his size and stature. But this was what you were supposed to wear and this was the King’s (ultimate designer collection). ⁣

David said, “ I cannot go in these”, and he took the clothes off and put on his own clothes: his staff, 5 stones from the stream, and his sling. Then he walked onto the battlefield and approached the giant. ⁣

Here’s the AHA! moment for me...⁣
When we know who we are, we don’t have to wear someone else’s identity. It never fits!!! When we try to live life or fight a battle while trying to be someone else, we quickly learn that it can’t be done! God created each of us to have victory in our lives. He created us to face down giants and win!⁣

So I encourage you to take off any false identity that you’ve been carrying around and be confident in who you are in Christ! ⁣

David knew this battle was the Lord’s and he knew who he was. He was confident with 5 rocks and a slingshot. ⁣

Are you trying to wear an identity that doesn’t belong to you? Have you ever had words spoken to you that were negative and you believed them? That is not who you are and that’s not who God says you are. Identify with what God says about you, put on His armor, now that always fits!⁣

I love y’all Dianna ⁣

Tim Akers