

To be a mom is one of the greatest gifts God has given me, and to be a grandma is over the top! There were times when my children were really young that felt like I was just hangin on for dear life. Then the tween years came along and I had the same feeling...just different circumstances. ⁣

You moms know this feeling, along with the feeling of wanting to be the perfect mom to your children...but perfection is never reached. ⁣

Take a deep breath and realize you’re not perfect but in your weaknesses God wants to display His perfection. Did I do everything right? No, I messed up a lot, but I knew that only Jesus was the answer to good parenting. ⁣

You are created in the image of the all mighty and your children were also created in the image of God, you just birthed them. So how do we, as mothers, parent? We parent by trusting Jesus!! And that maybe a minute by minute prayer, “Jesus HELP”!!⁣

Many times, conversations with my daughter went like this: “God has entrusted me to be your mom. I believe I’m parenting the way I should, but if I’m not then you go to God in prayer and ask God to show me where I’m wrong. God will deal with me, but you have to spend time with Jesus so you can hear from God.”⁣

Do you see how beautiful the Holy Spirit corrects? In the discipline, He always points us back to relationship with Him. This was not just for my daughter, but for me too. There is only one book that gives you the complete parenting skills you need, the Word of God. It may not have a play by play for toddlers or tweens, but it has answers for training your children in the way they should go. ⁣

To be a mom is the greatest call of your life because you’re training your children to love Jesus! Ask the Holy Spirit to train you to train them. It’s never too late to pray this prayer, even when your children have become adults. ⁣

Be encouraged as a mom, God has called you to an amazing journey. Trust Him and He will show you amazing things in and through the lives of your children. They are a blessing from God! ⁣

He isn’t asking us to be perfect moms, but rather, to be surrendered hearts; willing to live His love, even in parenting.⁣

I love y’all,⁣

Tim Akers