speak to dry bones


Recently, I was reading Ezekiel 37, a prophetic account of "the valley of dry bones". When you read it, don't be shocked. It sounds like a zombie script. What is the valley of dry bones? I know I have viewed and walked among them; it's the place where dreams, promises, and hopes have died. And it's a place where bad choices have come to fullness (death). ⁣

The valley could also be in your words..."nothing in my life will ever change". ⁣

Sometimes we are so used to the familiar sound of bones clanking together, it becomes our normal environment. ⁣

God gave Ezekiel a prophetic vision, and he asked God , "can these bones live?" I have asked God the same thing, "God can you heal my marriage?" And God told Ezekiel to prophesy (speak) to those dead bones. Verse 4, "O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord". ⁣

God was telling me to speak the word of God concerning my marriage, not my feelings or even what I was seeing. What??? That seemed impossible, but I did it. I spoke life into our marriage and the breath of God breathed life into our lives. ⁣

Today, consider what you are saying to the dead circumstances in your life and the dry wasteland in your emotions. If your words are negative, try changing them. ⁣

Speak the Word of God and watch life happen right in front of your eyes. You will hear the bones clank, that's where your faith gets encouraged, but don't stop there. Just like Ezekiel spoke life into those sinews and flesh covered bones, we must speak life into our "dead" circumstances!⁣

I pray that we speak to those dry places in our lives, and that we speak God's Word and see the power of God in our lives!!!⁣

I love y'all,⁣
Dianna ⁣

Tim Akers