Rest in the WAIT


I don't like it, and it seems I am always waiting on something. I wait in lines at TJMaxx, I wait in Nashville traffic. This waiting is doable because I see that I'm moving, but what about the things that I'm waiting on that I don't see?

Whether it be the unanswered prayers that we are still waiting for or when I do the right thing and nothing happens...waiting seems to be an inevitable part of our lives. ⁣

In Galatians 5:22-23 there is a list of the fruits of The Spirit, and one of them is patience. ⁣

Patience is the fruit of how we wait! Being patient doesn't come easy, because we want what we want and when we want it. Patience or the lack of patience is the evidence of what's in our heart during the waiting. I may pray, “God give me patience”, but really what I need is for God to perfect my attitude in the wait. ⁣

This is my prayer today, “God, while I am waiting, reveal in me the power of the Holy Spirit so that with patience, I may rest in the waiting.”⁣

I love y'all,⁣

Tim Akers