circumstances & attitude


This morning I was thinking about attitudes. We all have them! Some are gracious and thankful and some are stressed and fearful. ⁣
The range of attitudes are endless and the pendulum swings from awesome to awful! ⁣

Attitudes seem to attach to our life's circumstances but I have realized that my circumstances are totally affected by my attitude. I have a choice to make about the way I live in my circumstances. Our attitudes are thoughts that turn into behaviors. In Ephesians 4:23 it says," put on a fresh new attitude." ( as I was typing the word fresh, auto corrected into greasy!😊) I guess we can put on a greasy new attitude! I like that, we just let stuff slide right off of us! Frustrations, fear, unforgiveness slide off.... greasy attitudes!⁣

When we make a choice to mentally decide to have a hopeful, expectant attitude, that is when God will take us to places in our lives that we could not have imagined. ⁣

Turned ⁣
Inwardly ⁣
Emotions ⁣

I hear my daughter say to my grand babies,⁣
"check your attitude." They are 3 and 5 years old but I think it's a statement for all of us! ⁣
The Holy Spirit is desiring our attitudes to get into agreement with The Truth. Our attitudes are connected to our beliefs and our faith. When my attitude needs checking, it's always a sign to me that I have allowed a lie of the enemy to try to influence my attitude and thinking. I choose God, so I make a decision to choose God in all of my attitudes!⁣

I love y'all,⁣
Dianna ⁣

Tim Akers