
God’s voice is usually heard in a whisper. I can’t hear a whisper when I’m standing far away, so if I do t want to miss what he’s saying, I need to lean in close to Him.⁣⁣
Do you have an invisible personal space that you don’t like anyone to invade? That’s the space that God wants in to! He is a close talker! When people get into this space, it makes us uncomfortable and we pull back. When God gets into our personal space, sometimes we pull back because it’s uncomfortable! ⁣⁣
Holy Spirit is close to you and He is whispering. Lean into His love and grace. Don’t pull back into pride, depression, offense, doubt and fear (you know...your invisible space). God wants to get close to each of us in a personal way, to have close talks with us. ⁣⁣
My prayer today; God I invite you into my personal space and speak to my heart, soul and mind. I’m leaning in so I can hear your whisper. ⁣⁣
I love y’all Dianna ⁣

Tim Akers